Redline metro dc
Redline metro dc

– If there are 4 of your, take a cab home to THE MONROE HOUSE, its not that much more than riding the Metro IF YOU ARE TRAVELING AT RUSH HOUR. dailyīROOKLAND METRO STATION– Unless your heart is set on it, why pay to go to the Spy Museum, the Building Museum, and the Newseum if you haven’t been to all the other free museums– at least a dozen. – Most museums close at 5:30, exceptions are Portrait Gallery & Museum of American Art (co joined and off the Mall about 4 blocks) which are open until 7 p.m. Many sites are beautifully light up and worth seeing from the outside at night, especially the White House from the Independence Ave rear side. Memorial & the World War II Memorial, both open until 11:30 p.m. – Smithsonian Mall at night: check out the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. LINK: museums matched to closets metro stop: The Smithsonian Blue line stop puts you closest to the carosuel, the Old Castle & the Sackler: Museum of American History & Natural History are closest to the Federal Triangle Blue line stop Gallery Place Red line puts you right next to the Museum of American Art & Portrait Gallery (great place w/ evening hours) off the mall at 9th & G on edge of Chinatown Judiciary Square puts you two blocks off the Mall closest to the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art but without having to switch to the blue line. – Depending on which museum you are going to, there are 3+ stops that serve the Smithsonian Mall via the Red and Blue lines. – Rush hours increases Metro fares: travel off peak for reduced fares after 9:30 a.m. During busy times, some trains instead travel between Grosvenor-Strathmore Station and Silver Spring Station rather than traveling to either end of the line. The line terminates at Shady Grove Station to the west, and Glenmont Station to the east. – On all escalators stay to right so those in a hurry can pass you on the left, likewise race up or down by using the left side of the escalator Metro's Red Line services Maryland's Montgomery County and Washington DC. – When going downtown from Brookland Metro, go up escalator and stand to right side of station for the train If you need to buy your own, you will pay a surcharge of $1 each way, each trip. Please use them by adding funds to pay for your fares and then leave them for the next user. We provide 4 reusable plastic Metro cards clipped to the House Guide. – Metro wants everyone to use a plastic reusuable card now. – Heading downtown: If there are 3 or more of you traveling together, a cab can be as cheap as riding our fabulous Metro, so if you are tired for sure consider it, and if it is rush hour, for sure consider it. – At Metro Center you can switch to the Blue or Orange subway lines. – At Gallery Place you can switch to the Green or Yellow subway lines. – When heading downtown, you are going towards Shady Grove (the last stop in that direction) – When you are heading back to home take the Redline going towards Glenmont (the last stop in that direction) – If you are heading downtown, the stops are: Rhode Island Ave., NoMa-Gallaudet U., Union Station, Judiciary Square, Gallery Place, Metro Centerīrookland- CUA Metro (CUA stands for Catholic University of American-that is the big mosaic dome on the horizon looking west) Metro Maps showing the lines by color in the House Guide book, here are tips: Petersburg, Kiev, and Prague also have longer escalators than at Wheaton.REDLINE METRO SUBWAY TO BROOKLAND-CUA STOP

redline metro dc

The Moscow Metro station at Park Pobedy has the longest in the world, at 413 feet. While Wheaton has the longest escalators in the Western Hemisphere, WMATA’s longest are only in 7th place worldwide. Only Rosslyn at number 5 is on a different line.Īnd while Wheaton’s mammoth escalators seem like an almost endless ride, they’re only slightly longer than one third the length of an 8-car Metro train. Interestingly, 9 of the 10 longest escalators in the system are on the Red Line.

redline metro dc

The Wheaton escalators are so long, they’re twice the length of Cleveland Park’s, which are 10th longest. The longest in the system, in fact the longest in the Western Hemisphere, are at Wheaton, which have a span of 230’. Each of the escalators shown is actually a bank of 3 escalators (except at Rosslyn, which has 4), so technically this is a list of WMATA’s 31 longest escalators.

Redline metro dc