Sounded like a butt in my post and didn't really mean too. I really love the Mac and I love working with it (I'm typing this now on a Mac Book Pro) but I (and many other developers) are going to be very happy when we don't have to make two distinct versions of every Mac program. For me I like bigger screens for that kind. However, the > game is a great conversion. Essentially, the PowePC version of the game is the "odd man out" because it requires a dedicated machine and unique code changes, while the Windows, Linux and Intel-Mac versions can all be compiled on the same machine (a 3-way booting Mac) using nearly identical code. The graphics are great but not as detailed as the PC version. I can't use my Intel-Mac to compile the PowerPC version of our games. Mac is different- the PowerPC requires a significant number of code changes, and the code only compiles on a PPC machine.

All the different versions of Windows compile on my single Windows workstation. Well in order to play this game it needs an activation code. Leej wrote:Programming for the lowest common Windows denominator but only for the most recent Mac users on an 'old school' game would (imho) leave a bad taste in some mouths. See this is one of those big pretty games so it gets a section for itself.