Simcity 2000 ppc
Simcity 2000 ppc

Sounded like a butt in my post and didn't really mean too. I really love the Mac and I love working with it (I'm typing this now on a Mac Book Pro) but I (and many other developers) are going to be very happy when we don't have to make two distinct versions of every Mac program. For me I like bigger screens for that kind. However, the > game is a great conversion. Essentially, the PowePC version of the game is the "odd man out" because it requires a dedicated machine and unique code changes, while the Windows, Linux and Intel-Mac versions can all be compiled on the same machine (a 3-way booting Mac) using nearly identical code. The graphics are great but not as detailed as the PC version. I can't use my Intel-Mac to compile the PowerPC version of our games. Mac is different- the PowerPC requires a significant number of code changes, and the code only compiles on a PPC machine.

simcity 2000 ppc

All the different versions of Windows compile on my single Windows workstation. Well in order to play this game it needs an activation code. Leej wrote:Programming for the lowest common Windows denominator but only for the most recent Mac users on an 'old school' game would (imho) leave a bad taste in some mouths. See this is one of those big pretty games so it gets a section for itself.

Simcity 2000 ppc