Theseus timelane
Theseus timelane

theseus timelane

There wasn't anything in the alleyway to burn it. He got to his feet and he looked for something, anything. But another part of him wanted to burn the book. He should.what should he do? He wanted to run to his grandmother. He couldn't remember who it ate, and he was sad about that. There was a book that had just eaten someone at the end of the alleyway.

theseus timelane

He was 8 years old, even though he looked smaller. His grandmother would know how to make his hands stop hurting. His grandmother would be mad he had scuffed his knees. He slowly got his hands- had they always been that small? of course they had- under him and pushed himself up. What was the self but a lie? What was time but a distortion? What is growth but a changing? How much of a ship must you replace before it is a different ship? Is it ever a different ship? If the boards that created it were replaced one by one, and warped to fit that ship, and could never fit another ship, and you went back and found the old boards and laid them over the new boards, or under the new boards, or layered them at the same time, if you could, if you could, if, if, if you could break the world and go Back, if you rebuilt the ship with old boards and new boards would it be the same ship? Within them, after the world had ended, with enough power, anything could be twisted. The Spiral's hallways were the purity of the Twisting Deceit. He may not be able to Know how to banish the Fears, but he Knew how to do what he wanted. Helen startled, too slow to stop Jon from darting beyond her doorway. He could have ripped her- it- her to shreds, he could have cried in her arms. He could have demanded the Distortion get to the point.

theseus timelane

Where has the other half of the dynamic duo gone? I do hope Martin is ok, he was always the more charming of you. The world had ended and it was his fault and he was alone.Īnd now he was no longer alone. How had that been possible? How had he been taken from him? He had been right there behind him, and now, now he's gone. god, where was he, why couldn't he See? He was like Annabelle Cane now, he was completely hidden from the Eye. Elias Bouchard don't prep it's funnier when you're actually out of your depth.could be read as autistic but author is ADD and this is what I can speak to.Jon accidentally leans into the Spooky Child horror trope.the best laid plans are going oft agley in here.background Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas - Relationship.background Agnes Montague/Gertrude Robinson.background Fiona Law/Jonathan Sims's Grandmother.

Theseus timelane